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Writer's pictureSamuel Rogers

Natalia Lafourcade - De Todas Las Flores REVIEW


Grammy-winning Mexican folk singer-songwriter Natalia Lafourcade is one of the most successful Latin American singers and this most recent album release shows us why. If the word "beautiful" was in the form of an album, this would be it.

"Vine solita", the intriguing introductory track, is extremely raw-sounding, with Natalia showing off her belting abilities. The horns on this track are also a great touch. "De todas las flores" is an absolutely gorgeous follow-up, with soothingly soft vocal harmonies and an all-around sensational instrumental. Natalia once again shows off her vocals on the track "Pasan los dias", accompanied by lovely moody production, the subtle acoustic "tap" noise, and the cherry on top being the wonderful drums that come in later. "Llevame viento" is a heavenly cocktail of piano, plucky acoustic guitar, and soft horns. The piano is what makes this track for me; it ascends and descends beautifully, meshing with Natalia's vocals so well. The slight beat switch near the middle of the track is executed perfectly as well. I love the grooviness of the following track "El lugar correcto". It's such a light yet densely produced track.

"Pajarito colibri" contains a beautiful ethereal intro. The strings + acoustic guitar on this track are heaven for the ears. The attention to detail on "Maria la Curandera" is very strong. Every little sound, key, horn, etc. is carefully placed and orchestrated. "Caminar bonito" has such a classic love song sound to it, with the seductive melody from Natalia to the celestial strings and bouncy bass. "Mi manera de querer" contains lovely layered vocals and is once again a groovy listen with great texture from the drums and once again great horns.

I'm a fan of Natalia's vocal pacing on "Muerte", and the end to this track is so glamorously chaotic with all the horns and distant "¡Adiós!" from Natalia. This is definitely a track you'd dance to. "Canta la arena" is a pretty track, but it didn't seem to stick with me as much as the other tracks on the album did. However, I am a fan of the piano on this track, as it's very calm and almost cafe-sounding. The closing track "Que te vaya bonita Nicolas" is a chill and beautiful finish to a beautiful album. The piano from both the beginning to end of the track is such a delight to listen to.

This album is superb. From the vocals to the production, it's nearly perfect. Give your ears a favor and give this project a listen.

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