Let's Eat Grandma are an up-and-coming Alternative/Indie duo originating from Norwich, United Kingdom. 'Two Ribbons' is their most recent and also most popular release by far, and after listening I know why.
This album starts off fairly strong, with a very EDM/dance-sounding production quality that actually reminded me very much of Porter Robinson's most recent record 'Nurture'. The synths in the first two tracks are very bright and uplifting, with "Happy New Year" giving off a very much pop music and/or hit song vibe. "Levitation" is very similar, with a dancy and bright beat to it as well. These two tracks do a wonderful job of getting the listener hyped up and energized for the rest. "Watching You Go" to me started off sleepy and slow, not really catching my attention, but those sparkly synths near the middle of the track were a delight to hear. "Hall of Mirrors" has a hypnotic start to it, with deep and reverberating synths, quickly switching to a faster-paced drum beat with brighter dancier synths.
Near the middle of the album, things start to mellow out a bit more. "Insect Loop" is by far my favorite song on the whole album. I don't know what it is about guitar breaks/solos in songs, but it always seems to pull me in. Jenny's vocal ability is also displayed more in this track compared to the other tracks beforehand, which is wonderful. "Sunday" is a decent track, although it is a bit bland and feels dragged out, the drums and layered strings and synths are very pretty. "In The Cemetary" comes after this track and offers a wonderful little break in the album, then is followed up by "Strange Conversations", a simplistic acoustic guitar track with raw drums which to me was nothing to write home about. The closing song, "Two Ribbons" is wonderful. It offers a fantastic vocal performance and the calming ambient electric guitar with it slowly fading out at the end of the track left me extremely satisfied after listening.
This is in fact a solid listen, however, a lot of the bright "poppy" or "EDM" sounding tracks left me unsatisfied and uncomfortable. However, through that, songs like "Insect Loop", "Two Ribbons", and "Hall of Mirrors" make this album worth hearing.
